Aqua Dry Restorations

Jan 5, 2022

Water damage can happen at any time of the year; it doesn’t matter if it is rain, a storm, high humidity, or snow. With water damage to your home’s walls, ceilings, cabinetry & carpets comes a high bill for repairs and bewilderment at how the water got in.

Enter winters & Thornton is already turning into a winter wonderland but not without consequence.

Any cracks, crooks, or crannies about your house’s roof, sidings, windows & attic will undoubtedly let in moisture, but the snowy kind. And then the problems get worse!

Aqua-Dry Restoration Co shares a few of the most common sources of water damage in winter.

Snow Melt

It may be snowing, but the homes are warm inside, melting the snow on contact. A compromised roof will let the meltwater in, and then your attic might develop a silent leak or hopefully a noticeable one. However, if undetected, the meltwater will permeate the attic flooring and begin to rot any wooden beams and floors away if not noticed. It’s best to inspect your attic every week to ensure no glacial melt occurs at your roof’s altitude!

Burst Pipes

Without proper insulation installed around a house’s plumbing, you should anticipate burst pipes from freezing temperatures. When temperatures plummet, the water turns to ice, and ice expands to fill every crevice. That pressure build-up causes pipes to burst and flood certain parts of the house & thousands in damages if not handled. As a savvy homeowner, it’s best to opt for pipe insulation made of foam or fiberglass.

Frozen Plumbing

With the cold & snow, your plumbing can also develop a frozen blockage. Believe us; no one wants a sewage backup in winters when it’s already dreadfully cold to work around water. The resulting damage will have you redo your floors and basement upholstery should the backup happen in h lower levels of your home.

Sandy Water Heaters

Water damage in winters doesn’t necessarily mean it affects only your walls; it can also be the water heating equipment. With temperatures as low as it is in Thornton, the water heaters have to work harder and accumulate mineral deposits that can clog the valves and hinder the efficacy of the heating element. Stuffy valves can also become a cause for leaks.

Thawed Seepage

The most dreaded form of water damage is noticing a faint odor and stripping away the false ceiling or the drywall to find the mold and rotten wooden beams. It can happen in winters, too, as homes tend to be warm in specific areas like the water heater or by the hearth. This freeze/thaw damage can affect wood, concrete & brick structures, so check your home’s walls for seepage and trace it to the water source.

If you feel your Thornton, CO, home is harboring a hidden leak, and you think a portion of your walls is compromised, then don’t hesitate to call upon the services of your local plumbing experts. Aqua-Dry Restoration Co. Feel free to check our no-obligation quotes on services.

Don’t let the cold drip in and rot your lovely homes!