Aqua Dry Restorations

Oct 18, 2021

Sewage cleanup is an often overlooked part of sewage management, but it’s essential for keeping sewage contamination at bay. Whether you’re dealing with sewage backup or sewage overflow, there are some mistakes to avoid so that your sewage cleanup goes smoothly and efficiently!

In this blog post, we will discuss the top ten inadvertent sewage cleanup mistakes to avoid so that you can keep your home or business free from sewage contamination!

Mistake #1: Not Wearing Appropriate Protective Gear

Wearing proper clothing for sewage cleanup is not optional; it’s essential! Sewage may contain bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, and other contaminants that can cause serious illness if they get on your skin or in your mouth.

The most important thing is to wear proper sewage cleanup boots or shoes and gloves. This will protect your feet and hands from harmful bacteria, chemicals, viruses, and parasites that can get into cuts or sores in your skin.

Mistake #2: Not Evaluating the Situation Before Cleanup

Before sewage cleanup begins, it is crucial to evaluate the situation. Some sewage cleanups are more severe than others, and some may require equipment not available on-site or special training for staff members who will be helping you with this unfortunate task.

If your sewage cleanup requires sensitive actions such as shutting off utilities of nearby buildings, you should be aware of it before beginning proper sewage cleanup.

Mistake #3: Not Cleaning Sewage Water Off of Dry Surfaces Quickly Enough

When sewage floods your property, one of the first things that need to happen is removal from dry surfaces, so they don’t get contaminated. If left too long without proper sanitation measures taken against bacteria and viruses on these surfaces, there’s a chance you could get sick.

Mistake #4: Not Having the Right Tools for the Sewage Cleanup Job

When you start sewage cleanup on your own, you need to have the right sewage cleanup equipment. There are different pieces of sewage cleanup equipment required based on the situation at hand.

Aqua Dry Restoration Co. uses high quality sewage-cleaning equipment so that we can get the job done quickly and protect you and your loved ones from any sewage exposure dangers.

Mistake #5: Not Getting Rid of All Traces of Sewage Contamination

If sewage has contaminated your home, you’ll want to remove all traces of sewage contamination in the area. Leaving any small amount can result in a lot of harm.

Mistake #6: Underestimating Sewage Damage and Not Seeking Professional Assistance

Hiring sewage cleanup companies may sound like an expensive option, but sewage contamination is dangerous, and you don’t want sewage exposure on your property longer than it needs to be.

At Aqua Dry Restoration Co., we offer premier sewage cleanup services in Westminster. We have the expertise and equipment to handle any sewage problem with ease.

With our free estimates for our services, you can get an idea of how much it will cost before committing to anything. Get in touch with us today!