Aqua Dry Restorations

Jan 26, 2022

It’s happened to all of us. We’re taking care of business, and suddenly, we hear the ominous flush of our toilet signaling that something has gone wrong. More often than not, this means that our beloved loo is clogged up and needs some extreme unclogging action. You don’t necessarily need to be a plumber to clear out your commode – with the proper use of a plunger; almost anyone can unclog a toilet in minutes!

This blog post by Aqua Dry Restoration Co will teach you the essentials of plunger use so that you can take care of any clogs that come your way at your home in Thornton, CO.

Type of Plunger to Unclog the Toilet

Plungers aren’t one-size-fits-all, as many people believe. You won’t get the required seal if you attempt to clear a blockage with a cup plunger on a flat and wide toilet opening. The cup plunger is best for sinks and bathtubs, whereas the flange plunger has a rubber flange on end to create a better seal with the drain opening. Flange plungers are the most common type of toilet plungers. A curved flap under the lip of the central cup allows users to seal tight and curvy places like the toilet bowl. It would be wise to buy one of each, so you’re prepared for any clogging situation!

Steps to Unclog a Toilet Using a Flange Plunger

So, what do you need to know to use a plunger effectively? Here are the basics:

  • Ensure that the plunger is placed correctly over the toilet’s drain. The flange, the rubber piece at the bottom of the plunger, should completely cover the toilet bowl hole. If it’s not, you won’t create a good seal, and the plunger will be ineffective. Plunge with a half-filled bowl if possible. If required, add or remove water.
  • Apply gentle pressure to the plunger. You don’t need to use a lot of force. Doing so can damage your toilet! Instead, apply enough pressure to create a tight seal around the drain.
  • Push and pull the plunger up and down in a rhythmic motion. Don’t just plunge it once and then stop – you need to keep the plunger moving to create suction.
  • If the clog is stubborn, continue plunging for about five minutes. A forceful push might result in wasteful splashing.
  • Pour a cup of water into the bowl after removing the original blockage. If the water drains away, you can safely flush the toilet, tidy up, and continue. If the water does not drain from the bowl, you may need assistance from a skilled plumber.

The Gist

No plunger can remove the deposit if the clogs reach deep into the plumbing system. For further assistance, contact Aqua Dry Restoration Co. We specialize in sewage cleanup, water damage restoration, mold remediation, and crawl space restoration services in Thornton, CO. You can also get a free estimate to plan your budget for your restoration project.