Aqua Dry Restorations

Dec 24, 2021

If you have water damage in your home in Denver, CO, don’t wait! Call the professionals right away. If not detected and fixed early, the average cost to repair crawl space damage is nearly $11k. 23% of home damage is caused due to crawlspace issues that require our attention. Look for moisture patches where water may pool, cracking up the walls. Fuzzy mold growth is also a cause of crawl space damage – check under kitchen counters where there is constant heat.

And there’s more which Aqua Dry Restoration will be getting into in this blog post.

Moisture Does More Damage Than You Think

Moisture in your home’s crawl space may be causing more than just an unpleasant smell. It could also lead to rot and structural damage. This costs you in repairs, not only inside the surface but also outside it. Water may seep through cracks between floorboards or onto external walls. If this happens at your home, it could be crawl space damage. Call professionals immediately; we will make sure everything gets taken care of.

Indoor Humidity Might Be Up to Something

Have you been noticing that the air in your home feels more humid than usual? This could be because there’s standing water near or on top of a crawlspace. This can cause mold and other problems. The moisture tries to evaporate inside the walls of your homes over time, causing increased levels of humidity within! You should call an expert when you see condensation buildup. Alternatively, try controlling your high indoor temperatures during the day.

Increasing Energy Bills

Overly humid conditions and damaged crawlspaces can cause higher energy bills. The culprit in these issues is, of course, moisture. High moisture levels inside homes are often caused by a lack of air conditioning and evaporation. The crawlspaces get damaged while you are trying to minimize your electricity usage.

Smell Anything Strange?

If you have a musty smell around your home, it might be coming from the crawlspace. Crawl spaces are prone to mold and mildew, courtesy of high moisture buildup. Gaps or cracks that may widen over time become perfect homes for lost little critters. They can get stuck here and die. Rats and mice get caught up in these cracks more often. Their bodies begin to rot, causing the awful smells you might be able to smell.

Here’s Something Different – Foundation Issues!

Foundation cracks, sticking doors, and cabinets separating from the wall are all symptoms of a faulty foundation. If you run into one or more of these signs in your home, get help. A moisture-filled crawl space can cause damage within the walls of your home and ultimately reach the foundation. Moisture also causes wood framing structures, beams, and whatnot, to rot away. You would need to pay for some significant deconstruction to rebuild correctly. See how damaging it can be?

Aqua Dry Restoration, serving Denver, CO, offers Water Damage Restoration, Mold Remediation, Crawl Space Restoration, and Sewage Cleanup. Get your free estimate, and we will come to fix your damaged crawl spaces. Contact us to start right ahead.